If you think that the basement in a house can only be used for the water cylinder, a fuse box and some storage boxes, it’s high time you debunk the myth. Most homeowners are looking for extra living space in their house and an easy way you can achieve it is by converting the old basement into a usable living space.

You can enhance your property’s value and cope with the changing household setup. A few of the common issues you will find in this part of your property are dampness, inaccessibility, poor natural light and low ceiling heights. Fenlake Construction Ltd has years of experience in converting basements and know how to handle these issues.

Converting Basements In Cambridge? Few Common Uses Have Been Stated Below

1. Annexes
A self-contained living space can enhance the value of any home, irrespective of its size. Some annexes are specially designed for semi-independent living. Convert the basement into an annexe and older teenagers or elderly relatives can start living there. You can use it for living, cooking or sleeping and quote a higher price when selling your home. Even if you have to make some extra expenses for electricity or plumbing, consider it an investment. If there isn’t sufficient space in the basement, you can still convert it into one room studio annexe.

2. Modern Family Room
If you think that the basement in your house can’t be converted into a family room, it’s high time you debunk the myth. Get in touch with the experts at Fenlake Construction Ltd and they will design a modern family room. They will lay some ceramic tiles on the ground and put some rags to add warmth to the sitting area. Whitewashing the ceiling will disguise its look. It is a better option than installing a false ceiling as it might make you feel trapped.

3. Media Rooms
There are numerous basements in Cambridge which are converted into media rooms. If the ceiling height of your basement is low and you can just stand up in it, or you can’t walk in with ease, then convert it into a room where you can comfortably sit. Shallow basements are ideal for home cinema installations and media rooms. Just make sure that you soundproof the room so that noise doesn’t leak upstairs. Use carpets for the floor instead of installing a hard surface.

Since you are now aware of the common uses of basements, it’s time you get in touch with the experts at Fenlake Construction Ltd and convert it.